I think my last post was about Quiz Rally 2009... anway, since then we have done Show Jumping Rally and advanced in our dressage lessons. We are also going to our first Horse Trial next weekend. Beginner Novice WOOT! Just kidding. Its not all that grand but you have to start somewhere. Recap of Jazz and my crazy world:
Show Jumping Rally...
We had a so-so first course in my opinion but went clear and well under time. The next day we had out Eq. class and Take Your Own Line round. My Eq. round was clear and under time but still just alright with my riding. The Take Your Own Line (TYOL) was kinda crazy. The course I chose, made up by my coach, was 3 rolebacks in a row and then flying over a few jumps before a tight roleback to a long-ish gallop to the last jump. Tight, short and effective in theory. I crashed in a roleback pretty bad about a year ago and its kind of become one of my not so favorite things to do (we're pretty ok at them, I'm just not a fan). We took a funky turn for the last roleback and the jump was about 3 feet to the left of where I thought it would be. Big, solid looking 3'3" parallel after an unbalanced roleback isn't cool. Jazz calmly turned before the jump and we flipped back around a went at it with no issue. Finished under time still. Lost the bonus points though. The first round is the speed round to give you a base score and you can earn points for good rounds in the EQ. and TYOL that are subtracted off your speed score and Horse Managment score (low scores are best). The runout means no bonus points in that round. With 1 HM point for a piece of stall shaving in his tail, no faults in speed and bonus points in Eq. my score was alright. I ended up like 7th out of 24 for my Eq. score... whatever place it is, its a big brown ribbon.
At the end of the day, my slightly dysfunctional team won with a score of 1.76 which is INCREDIBLY low. The next lowest was something around 10.something with scores going up to 40.
I am the 5th in line to go to Nationals with 1-4 guarenteed to go but I'm hoping to get a spot.
Oh, and I figured out after rally why my position was so aweful.... my stirrup leathers had stretched a good inch giving me a less than secure base to jump out of. I had just been using the same mark and didn't really recognize the issue till I saw pictures. oops....
More on out Dressage adventured later!
Let's Get to It
5 years ago
ReplyDeletethis is the email of the woman who runs Sea Island Horse Show. She should be able to email you all the information if you would like.
Thanks for the advice! I have to say though I've had him on it for quite a while now and I haven't seen anything good honestly. His hooves are still brittle, weight is hard to keep on him, and his coat is just now gettin better. Maybe it just doesn't work on him like some meds with people. Who knows! LOL! Thanks for the advice though!!!!
ReplyDeleteWho did you take the dressage lesson with? It is nice to know that someone will get on your horse on occasion!
ReplyDeleteI tried emailing her 2 times and called her once. No reply. I also called and emailed Seabrook. I was told the info would be sent ASAP. Its been 3 weeks and I haven't heard anything.
ReplyDeleteI take lessons with the barn owner, Sally. She doesn't travel or give outside lessons.